The Focalpay platform

We’ve created an AI-enabled software platform enabling retailers to merge payment, checkout and backoffice flows in one interface.

Internal APIs for maximum flexibility

Yes, our platform includes payments, checkout and backoffice functions in the same software. But we’re not ones to force our customers to buy it all or nothing, or to integrate in a certain type of way. Thanks to our decoupled infrastructure that uses internal APIs and microservices architecture, you can cherry pick what functionality you need. Want to keep your checkout software and use our campaign and/or payment functionality only? Great! That's completely up to you.

You can opt to either integrate via our open APIs, or use our SDK to integrate into existing apps. You can also access our software either as white label or co-branded, and via web-browser (automatic) or native app (optional).


Thanks to our groundbreaking and patent-pending infrastructure, we enable channel-less shopping experiences. We have erased the borders between what a retailer checkout and consumer checkout journey is. Anyone who uses Focalpay to purchase or take payment will use the same universal interface, powered on the same platform, but with different UX depending on checkout journey.

  • Manned checkouts, self checkouts, scan & go 

  • Cross-platform cashier UI Linux/Mac/Windows/Android or iOS

  • Focalpay web-based app

  • Whitelabel web-based app

  • SDK 

  • Headless API-first

  • Store backoffice and reporting

Payment Management Service

We’ve built the world’s first service that harmonizes your payment methods, enabling you to manage them independently without any interference from an external supplier (including Focalpay), for maximum convenience. We call it Super PSP functionality.

Our payment management service can also be used as a standalone API to offer mobile wallets in other products, such as your checkout software, Scan & Pay, invoicing, or for e-com checkout. 

The service is available via our payment initiation gateway, and harmonizes different payment method providers, available for you to manage in our backoffice. Benefits include: 

  • Freedom of choice with limitless payment options - mobile, card, cash, invoice, credit, account-to-account

  • Improved margins with up to 60% lower transaction fees

  • Super-easy QR code initiating mobile payment

  • Real-time access to funds


In our AI-enabled backoffice, you can manage everything related to your chain, store network and online checkout and payments. You can manage products, prices, campaigns, and add or remove payment methods to your checkout.

Our backoffice also enables you to see checkout and payment statistics, analyze trends and habits of your customers, and close the books for the day. The backoffice is built to support your stores, enable you to exceed customer expectations, empower store staff and increase margin.

Some key features include:

  • AI features enabling unmatched efficiency

  • Advance notifications on transactions

  • Chain support for running a mix of different store and chain setups

  • Central- and decentralized control

  • Price and campaign management (central & local)

Payment redundancy

Mobile payments are growing worldwide, yet many merchants have issues offering mobile payments due to non-offline capabilities. If a mobile payment solution goes offline, customers lack the means to pay and businesses risk loss of revenue and negative effects on customer retention. 

To address this, Focalpay utilizes a machine learning module to monitor and detect disturbances for any given payment method. We also manage purchase completion options in real-time. This means that your business proactively can set up alternative payment methods to ensure the highest possible payment redundancy. If one mobile payment option goes down, Focalpay can shift the payment flow to the backup provider ahead of any disturbances. Your customer will never notice and you will always get paid.