
One virtual basket across all channels - enabling channel-less checkout experiences.

The checkout

Universal, virtual basket for harmonized shopping

Our checkout works with both in-store, self-service and e-com checkout processes, as we’ve designed our infrastructure with one universal virtual basket, regardless of in what context a consumer uses the basket to check out. What that means? We don't separate different channels. For us, the customer uses one virtual basket, that can be seamlessly moved between different shopping journeys via a QR code.

We have one cloud-native, universal basket that can be instantly accessed in different contexts, for example manned or mobile POS, SCO, Scan & Pay, Click & Collect or e-com basket. It can be delivered via SDK, API, or web-based app. Our Checkout also includes payment initiation gateway embedded, enabling you to take a payment with the help of a QR code, instead of a payment terminal. 

How we are different

Unifying checkout journeys

Thanks to our patent-pending checkout software, we have broken down boundaries between what a retailer checkout and consumer checkout journey is. Anyone who uses Focalpay to pay or take payment will use the same universal interface, powered on the same platform, but with different UX depending on checkout journey. In short: 

  • Web-based app, either Focalpay-branded  or whitelabel.

  • Integrated via SDK or headless API.

  • Cross-platform interface that works on for example Linux, Mac, Windows, Android, iOS.

  • Transfer shopping cart effortlessly between contexts via QR codes.

  • Interface works on e-com, Scan & Pay, self-checkout and manned checkout.

  • Digital receipts directly on customer receipt / retailer platform - no external partners.

  • Digital receipts enable simplified, real-time returns and refunds.

  • Customizable with whitelabel or co-branded solutions.

  • You can create your own cashier app, tailor-made to your specific requirements.

  • Virtual connection to the tax authorities (Black box).

Why is our checkout the best option for retailers?

All checkout journeys in one harmonized interface

Our checkout software is popular among retailers thanks to its capacity and flexible features. And it works perfectly for retail checkout journeys thanks to our universal, virtual basket.

If you want to integrate our checkout, you can do that in any context - which means you will save loads on your software pricing for your checkout.

You’ll also be the most eco-friendly retailer around since you’ve reduced your hardware and software CO2e-emissions by around 50%, compared to traditional POS setups.

Next-gen mobile payments - account-to-account

A Scan & Pay that allows you to offer any payment methods

Most Scan & Pay software works in the same way. The customer scans, and pays. Simple, right? Yes! But we’ve taken it one step further. We’ve built our own scanning software, so that customers don’t have to struggle with the self scan (you know the usual barcode hassle).

Our Scan & Pay comes with ready-to-go integrations to traditional card payments, mobile payments. Furthermore, it has account-to-account capabilities. That means you’ll be able to offer your customers account-to-account payments, which will lower your transaction fees by up to 60%. At the same time, you’re reducing emissions as you’re not using your checkouts to power the transaction - AND the transactions are using fewer intermediaries, reducing emissions further. Win, win win. 

Breaking down the boundaries between retail and payments.


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