
Five reasons Focalpay is the most secure retail and payment platform on the market

Below we list five reasons why Focalpay is the most secure (and only!) retail and payment platform on the market.

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We started Focalpay to change the way retail and payment processes worked. We set out to merge transaction flows that have historically always been separated. We started building a commerce platform which includes payment, checkout and backoffice functionality in the same, seamless system. Our platform uses the most advanced encryption on the market, and we use Google Cloud as our cloud provider, which further enhances our secure-by-design software. Below we list Five reasons why Focalpay is the most secure (and only!) retail and payment platform on the market. 

1. Security in our DNA 

With a background in leading banking, financial institutions, our team has previously developed the most secure systems within the banking world. We saw a huge gap in the security within how payment and retail systems are integrated today and decided to build a retail and payment platform with the same security principles from the ground up as modern banking-systems.  

2. Security in processing and authentication

As a result, we have encrypted data in transit, at rest and in memory - which means that all the merchant and consumer data is encrypted, something that is not achieved by most retail software providers. 

We even created our own PKI (public key infrastructure) factory, ensuring that we have no dependencies on third parties when we secure communications between our services and merchants. 

3. Operational security & payment redundancy

The Focalpay platform is cloud-only, and is hosted on Google Cloud Platform - is the most secure platform with the highest SLA (service level agreement). Furthermore, cloud-native systems enable users to always automatically access the latest version of the software. The result? No more expensive upgrades or projects. 

Our platform uses machine learning to monitor and detect disturbances for payment methods. This means that your business proactively can set up alternative payment methods. If one mobile payment option goes down, Focalpay can shift the payment flow to the backup provider ahead of any disturbances. Your customer will never notice and you will always get paid.

4. Google Cloud Platform security

We have selected Google Cloud as our hosting platform, due to Google being the leading global cloud provider, with a sharp focus on  security. As per the attempted attack this year shows, Google is at the forefront of IT security and cloud security. By using GCP we are able to take advantage of Google Cloud’s expertise. Read more about the attack and how Google prevented it here.

5. Security around information 

Today, double payments due to network or system errors during peak periods are an issue for many merchants. A modern platform like Focalpay includes built-in security for duplicate information, which can be mirrored in payments to hinder double payments. This security is included in all our operations and communications APIs. API call. We use Idempotency patterns to identify double API calls, and we also have a unique, anonymous (and encrypted) number identifying each operation.

Want to learn more about our secure-by-design platform? Contact our team using the form below.

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