
Why retailers need a backup solution to protect checkout operations

5 reasons why our Scan & Pay rocks

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If you’re looking for a game-changing way to streamline your store’s operations, then Focalpay’s Scan & Pay is the answer you’ve been searching for. Our Scan & Pay is unique in comparison to all other Scan, Pay, Go solutions and here’s why: we’ve developed our own scanning engine to avoid the hassle of slow barcode scanning, AND we’ve included Pay by Bank - account-to-account payments directly at the customer’s fingertips. 

Here are five reasons why our Scan & Pay rocks:

1. It helps your customers shop independently without friction

Customers today are always on the go, and they don’t have time to waste standing in long lines. That’s where our Scan & Pay comes in. With this technology, customers can easily scan the products they want to buy using their mobile devices, pay for them through the app, and then walk out of the store – all without having to wait in line. This frictionless shopping experience will keep customers coming back for more.

2. It frees up time for your staff

When your customers use Scan & Pay, your staff can focus on other tasks that are just as important, such as restocking shelves, providing customer service, and keeping the store clean and organized. With fewer people waiting in line, your staff will have more time to tend to these critical tasks, which will ultimately benefit your business.

3. Upsales via campaign promotions on your customers’ devices

One of the key advantages of Focalpay’s Scan & Pay is the ability to send targeted campaign promotions to your customers’ mobile devices. By using this feature, you can encourage customers to purchase more products by offering them exclusive discounts and other special offers. This not only drives sales but also helps build customer loyalty.

4. You’ll reduce your electricity consumption and CO2e emissions from manned local POS to mobile

With Scan & Pay, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint by eliminating the need for traditional point-of-sale (POS) systems that require electricity to operate. This means that you’ll be doing your part to help protect the environment by reducing your energy consumption and CO2e emissions.

5. Attract the younger generation of shoppers

If you want to attract the younger generation of shoppers, then Scan & Pay is a must-have technology. This demographic is mobile-first and loves to use smartphones for everything, including shopping. With Scan & Pay, you’ll be able to offer the most modern, seamless shopping experience on the market. This can help attract more young shoppers to your business, which boosts your sales and grows your business.

In conclusion, Focalpay’s Scan & Pay is an innovative technology that is changing the way people shop. By providing a frictionless, mobile-first shopping experience, it helps customers shop independently and frees up time for your staff to focus on other critical tasks. Plus, it offers a range of other benefits, such as targeted campaign promotions, reduced energy consumption, and attraction of younger shoppers. So, if you want to take your store to the next level, then Scan & Pay is the best thing since sliced bread.

And by the way..we also offer several other solutions: 

  • Checkout interface (manned POS, SCO, Mobile checkout, you name it - we got it, with our universal basket)

  • Pay by Bank in any checkout context mentioned above (with our own PSP embedded)

  • Backoffice (including campaign management, master data management / integration gateway, pricing/product management)

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