
Focalpay raises XXm SEK in funding for its commerce platform which breaks down the boundaries between payments and retail

DAY, DATE MONTH, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden - Focalpay, the commerce platform that merges payment and retail flows in one harmonized ecosystem, has secured XXmSEK in investment from investor XXXX and investor XXXX, with a valuation of XXXXmSEK.

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Focalpay raises 15m SEK in funding for its commerce platform that merges payment and retail processes 

DAY, DATE MONTH, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden - Focalpay, the commerce platform that merges payment and retail flows in one harmonized ecosystem, has secured XXmSEK in investment from investor XXXX and investor XXXX, with a valuation of XXXXmSEK.

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Integer ultrices tellus felis, porttitor vehicula nisl tincidunt non. Phasellus varius tortor malesuada, consectetur neque vel, scelerisque erat. Maecenas tincidunt nisl erat, et semper massa efficitur sed. Nulla eu nunc mi. Fusce eget nibh arcu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin mi lacus, congue vitae leo in, pellentesque vestibulum felis. Nam nec lobortis felis. Fusce erat turpis, sodales eu rhoncus sed, tristique vel dui.


For more information, please contact: 

Peter Fischer Chairman Focalpay +46 703 506 116

Birkir Veigarsson CEO Focalpay  +46 702 347 543

About Focalpay

Focalpay has developed a cloud-native commerce platform that breaks down the boundaries between checkout, payment and back-office operations. The SaaS platform includes features such as Pay by Bank, Checkout (Point of Sale), Backoffice, Campaign Management and much more.

Headquartered in Stockholm, Focalpay’s mission is to create a software platform that empowers merchants and their customers, while enabling innovation, and reducing transaction fees and CO2 emissions.

Innovation, Sustainability and Security are the cornerstones of our unique infrastructure that helps merchants succeed.

Currently, Focalpay has live customers including several individual grocery stores, Matrebellerna, Hantverksdata, and pilots with multiple grocery and convenience retailers in the Nordic region.


Information about investor.



Swedish version here

Om Focalpay

Focalpay har utvecklat en molnäkta handelsplattform som bryter ner gränserna mellan betalning, kassa och backoffice-verksamhet.

SaaS-plattformen innehåller funktioner som Pay by Bank, Checkout (Point of Sale), Backoffice, Campaign Management och mycket mer.

Med huvudkontor i Stockholm är Focalpays uppdrag att skapa en mjukvaruplattform som stärker handlare, erbjuder en smidig köpupplevelse, möjliggör innovation och samtidigt minskar transaktionsavgifter och CO2-utsläpp.

Innovation, hållbarhet och säkerhet är hörnstenarna i vår unika infrastruktur som hjälper handlare att lyckas.

För närvarande har Focalpay flera enskilda livsmedelsbutiker, Matrebellerna och Hantverksdata som kunder, och piloter med flera dagligvaru- och närbutiker i Norden.

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