Freedom of choice - for you and your retail business.

The cloud-native retail operating system that enables retailers to take back control of their operations and increase profitability.

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The why

Retailers today struggle with innovation, as many retail businesses have a “build-on”, siloed architecture. As a result, most retailers experience a lock-in effect, and struggle to make changes to their technology stack. Retail businesses risk falling behind and staying in the analog era.

We want to change that. We know that you, your staff and your customers are more than ready to take retail into a new era. With Focalpay’s AI-enabled commerce platform, you can reinvent your merchant IT stack without any hassle, switch out any suppliers when it suits you, create new solutions and drive down costs in unprecedented ways and start innovating.

Your customers can enjoy a variety of shopping journeys and payment methods, and you can get peace of mind that your commerce software provider’s mission is to ensure you are always using the very latest in retail and payments innovation. 

What we do: Enabling unprecedented retail innovation.

The platform

Checkout, payments and backoffice in one platform


We don’t separate e-commerce or in-store shopping, self service or manned checkout journeys. We have one universal basket that can be instantly accessed in different contexts, for example manned or mobile POS, SCO, Scan & Pay, or e-com basket. Our cloud-native checkout can be delivered via SDK, API, or web-based app. Focalpay’s Checkout software has also embedded our payment initiation gateway, enabling you to take a payment without the need for a payment terminal.


Our AI-enabled Backoffice is developed to support you on chain and local store level, and enables real-time, universal updates across all channels. We’ve embedded AI features, analytics, proactiveness and automation which allows you and your staff to get automatic notifications about tasks around pricing, campaigns and administration. Our Backoffice also lets you add or remove your payment methods with one button-click, and provides a user-friendly overview of payment statistics.


We’ve built a unique Payment Management Service and Payment Initiation Gateway that works as a super PSP. By harmonizing our payments and being integrated behind other payment methods, you’re able to manage all your payment methods with the click of a button. Additionally, our payment gateway enables you to offer your customer any payment method you want. How? We filter your chosen payment methods to match the possibilities the consumer has on their phone.

The solution small size extra space
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Our amazing partners

We are proud to work with several market-leading payment and checkout ecosystem partners. Together, we're changing the way retail and payment processes work. To read more, check out our Partners page.

Want to partner with Focalpay? Great news! Contact us here.


What we're about


The world’s first AI-enabled commerce platform that merges payment, checkout and backoffice features in the same infrastructure. This means that you don’t have to integrate multiple different software just to get paid, or enable your customers to pay.

Our platform can handle in-store, e-commerce, B2B and B2C purchases with equal ease in one universal interface for all processes - and your customers can focus on assisting customers rather than spending time flicking between systems. Sounds too good to be true? Book a free demo with us and we’ll show you!


Our cloud-native system is secure by design. Security is in our DNA, and our team of experts within fintech, banking and retail have 30+ years of experience developing banking systems for financial institutions and global retailers, from the ground up.

We encrypt all data in transit, at rest and in memory, ensuring all merchant and consumer data is encrypted. Furthermore, we have developed our own PKI (public key infrastructure). Our platform is hosted on GCP (Google Cloud Platform), the most secure platform with the highest SLA.

We're supervised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority: AISP, PISP.


Thanks to our uniquely designed solution, you’ll lower both electricity consumption and hardware spend drastically and still get the most modern solution on the market. Our software updates automatically in the cloud, so you can remove all local servers that run your hardware.

Additionally, you’re able to switch off your checkout machines overnight, meaning you’ll save a lot (to say the least) on electricity consumption. This will make your business significantly more sustainable, AND save money on energy bills. Win win, rig


We're on a mission to free retailers from expensive, legacy software. With our ever-evolving platform the innovation is included, reducing the need for consultancy hours or large IT departments drastically.

Thanks to our web-based, agile interface, you can onboard new stores, or add staff members with unmatched ease, enabling instant access to more devices as needed. Furthermore, our AI engine enables you to reduce your admin hours drastically (≈2 x days of 1 x full time employee) according to client data.

Contact us

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